Monday, April 23, 2012

'Forget sports drinks: Coconut water is the perfect fluid to replenish your body's electrolyte balance after heavy exercise'

What I think about this article is that it is very helpful. I learned some new things about coconut water that I would have never knew. The best way to restore your body's fluids and electrolytes after exercise is simply with water and food, particularly fruit. In cases of severe exertion or illness, however, a quick electrolyte boost may be necessary. For those reluctant to consume sports drinks with all their added colors, flavors, sweeteners and preservatives, nature has provided the perfect rehydrating drink:coconut water. Coconut water is a much better substitute for drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, and other energy drinks. Coconut water is found inside the cavity of a young, unripe coconut (in contrast with coconut milk, found inside the mature fruit). The balance of electrolytes in coconut water is nearly the same as that in the human blood -- so close, in fact, that coconut water is the only natural non-blood substance that can be safely injected into the human bloodstream. I think it is amazing that coconut water has the same substance so closely to the human blood. Ancient people knew this, and sometimes used it as an emergency intravenous fluid. By just drinking it, you'll be rewarded with 15 times as much potassium as a typical sports drink, along with potent antioxidants. Coconut water makes you so much healthier and you know that there isn't any added sugars or anything in it. And unlike sugary sports drinks or coconut milk, coconut water is low in calories and fat free. What I find really helpful about coconut water is that it is a highly effective natural remedy for lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension. The lowering of people's blood pressure are because of the coconut water's unique nutritional content. It is rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. All of those nutrients are linked to health benefits, including lowering high blood pressure. They also make coconut water an excellent way to hydrate your body without depleting vital minerals. Many health-conscious athletes choose coconut water over commercial sports drinks to replenish water, minerals and glycogen lost during heavy exercise. The best coconut water is found in fresh young coconuts, which are green in color. This coconut water is fresh and raw, retaining its natural benefits in the purest form. Young coconuts can often be found in health food stores and international markets, but of course are most readily available in tropical regions. Commercial packaged coconut water is available, but these products are processed and pasteurized, and should be considered inferior to fresh coconut water. Coconut water can help you lower your blood pressure, replenish you after exercise and most importantly it's very healthy if you get the right ones.

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