'Mechanically separated meat, a paste made by pulverizing animal carcasses, is used in hot dogs, burgers, lunch meat and Spam'
What I think about this article is that it's disgusting. They use every part of the animal to put in hot dogs, and other meats. Mechanically separated meat isn't even meat it's a paste-like meat product produced by forcing beef, pork, turkey or chicken, under high pressure through a sieve or similar device to separate the bone from the edible meat tissue. "Have you ever glanced at the ingredients on a hot dog or a can of Spam Lite and wondered about an ingredient called "mechanically separated chicken" or "mechanically separated meat"? This type of meat is collected from animal carcasses after all the prime cuts of muscle have been removed. Its even in lunch meats." So that they don't waste the meat scraps still clinging to the bone, slaughterhouses remove the meat either by scraping, pressing or shaving the scraps off the bone, or by simply blasting it with pressurized air or water. The meat comes off in a reddish slurry, which is then mixed into low-grade meat products such as hot dogs and lunchmeat in order to bulk them up. I think it's bad because the stuff that people eat a lot and it's meat scraps that they're eating. They could be eating all kinds of things that are a part of the animal. There are also ingredients added into the meat. People eat all kinds of things that are bad for them without even knowing it. Other products for mechanically separated meat include hamburger, ground beef, canned meat and processed meat products such as Slim Jims. Mechanically separated meat is also known as mechanically recovered meat, mechanically reclaimed meat and mechanically deboned meat. I find hot dogs and these other meats disgusting knowing what they're made with now. It doesn't take much sodium nitrite, for example, to greatly increase a person's risk of pancreatic cancer or colon cancer. And guess where you find that chemical? Hot dogs, bacon, sausage, pepperoni, ham, lunchmeat and even beef jerky. It's also in all the quick lunch trays for children, by the way. But never in the fresh meat. Fresh meat is better to eat because you know what you're eating and there isn't any chemicals or anything added in. People who eat fresh meat don't poison their bodies with sodium nitrite. Nor MSG (bacon, sausage, beef jerky) nor all the other chemical additives typically added to meat products. That's something to remember if you shop for meat of any kind. And don't forget that unless it's organic meat, it's almost certainly contaminated with GMOs, because cows, pigs and chickens are all fed genetically modified corn and soy as part of their diets. If you're eating that stuff, you're committing slow suicide. And maybe not even that slow, come to think of it. Eating all that bad processed meat with all the chemicals that the factories add in, is slowly killing you. I find this article very helpful and also disgusting.
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